Richmond + Roanoke Headshots and LinkedIn Portraits © Franklin Knox Photography

Franklin Knox Photography

Richmond + Roanoke, Virginia


Regardless of your profession, your headshot will be the first image every new contact sees of you. The appearance of your LinkedIn portrait broadcasts a public message about you and your business. Is it time for an upgrade?

I am a Certified Professional Photographer, and have been a full-time photographer for over 33 years. I specialize in headshot photography and personal branding because this is the way I can achieve the most meaningful career possible by using my abilities to make a real difference in the lives of others.

Let me help you.


Franklin Knox

(434) 872-1900

What Others Are Saying

“I am rarely a fan of pictures of myself. Franklin gave great direction and I love my headshot photos! I reached out to him and needed a professional corporate headshot session in one week at a specific time (early morning) with specific requests (get 20+ people through as fast as possible). He was quick to respond, scouted the best location and the session went amazing!”